Have some fun. Learn a hobby. Turn it into a side hustle. 

We believe in life after work. Whether you're looking for something fun to do, trying to learn a new hobby, or starting a side hustle, we can help you get there. Meet other people that have turned their dream into reality. Discover how FlexSpace can help you find your passion.

  • Learn from Experts

    We host classes taught by experts. Attend a MasterClass, Coursera, or Udemy training seminar and learn from the best. 

  • Refine Your Skill

    Whether you're just having fun or moving towards perfection, FlexSpace has some and *will have more* specialized rooms for rent by the hour with all the tools and equipment you'll need to get started.

  • Make a Living Doing What You Love

    Turn your hobby into a business and gain the freedom to work for yourself from anywhere.

Photography Studio - Headshots, Product Photos

*Recording Studio - Music, Podcasts, Video Creation

*Drafting Tables - Artistic Projects

Classrooms - Teach or Attend a Class

Photography and Videography Backdrops - Green Screen, Backgrounds

*Cameras, Microphones, Headphones, Projectors, VR Headsets for Rent